
Thursday, November 10, 2011

What am I?

Maddi sat on the dock by the water, alone. She kept her feet out of the water, knowing what would happen if she let them dangledown."It's okay," She told herself with a sigh."Mermaids are supposed to be mystical and pretty, right?" She sighed again as a few seagulls landed on the dock to eat the fries she had left for them. Glancing around, Maddi then got up. She took of her shirt and shorts to reveal a swimsuit, then jumped in the water. Almost as soon as her feet went under, her legs quickly morphed into a long, gleaming, turquoise tail.

Her head resurfaced, and she looked down at her tail, shimmering beneath the waters surface. She smiled slightly, then dove under again, twirling in circles. At least when she swam, she felt even more free."I wonder if there are other like me.." She pondered again, this time watching the sunset from in the water."Maddi!" She heard her mother call from their beachside home. Maddi gasped, quickly swimming back to the dock She pulled herself up, her tail morphing back into her two, sun-kissed tan legs.

She grabbed her clothes and sprinted to the door. "Were you swimming again?" Her mother asked without interest from behind a book. Maddi nodded while rolling her eyes, quickly running up to her room. She flopped onto her bed, greeted by Lalovee's slobbery kisses. She laughed slightly, then sighed as she gazed at her father's photo.


  1. Nikki and Jasmine raced from their house onto the pier, giggling. They both had their swimsuits on. "Nikki, let's see you do a frontflip, dive, then swim from here to the buoy and back," he sister told her. Nikki made a face. "I'm not doing the flip. And alright!" Nikki dove into the water and splashed her sister, speeding off into the fading light. Jazzy started the timer and waited for her sister to come back.

  2. Lily was at the FBI headquarters, going through case files when her team leader slammed her files next to her.
    "You lied to me, Lil."
    She turned around and looked him in the eyes. "What do yoou mean?"
    "Your not really 27. Your last name isn't even 'Ross'. Your a 17-year-old named Lily Hendriks!"
    Her blue eyes flashed. "Who told you to do a background check on me?" she hissed.
    "The state." he replied.
    "Of course I lied, Grant! I can't find a job at 17 and I want to find the man who killed my parents!"
    "I worked that casee, Lily. It's a dead end!"
    "Suit yourself!"
    She grabbed her coat from a chair and stormed out of her office, dropping off her badge and gun at Grant's desk.
    When she got outside, Jessica was waiting for her. "I heard. I'm sorry."
    "Jess, I don't need sympathy. I need justice." she growled.

    (Yes, I couldn't think of how to make her a private investigator at first so she was working for the FBI and quit 'cause she was lyeing about her age and name.)

  3. Nikki swam at a fairly slow speed, swishing her tail now and then because she had the currents carry her. She started singing and a pod of dolphins soon came up to her. She laughed, weaving in and out of the playful creatures. Her sister watched with jealousy. "Why did she get to be a mermaid? We have the same parents." Jazzy thought. She stood up and slowly lowered herself Ito the water, grabbing the fin of a passing dolphin. It squeaked and took off, Nikki and the rest of the pod behind it.

  4. Maddi sighed, putting her picture down once more. She rubbed Lalovee's head gently, then gazed out her window. There was a mischievous glint in her eye, and she popped the window open. Maddi quickly climbed out, and ran towards the beach.

  5. Nikki gave up the chase and gave out a series of clicks. The dolphins turned back towards her, bringing Jazzy with them. Suddenly a pure white dolphin sped over from the pier and started swimming in tight circles around Nikki. "What's he saying?" Jazzy asked as she saw over. Nikki shrugged. "Nothing. Let's gets back home before Mom and Dad notice we're gone." Nikki said, headin back towards the beach. Jazzy sighed and grabbed the fin of the white dolphin.
